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投稿时间:2020-02-14 修订日期:2020-02-18
投稿时间:2020-02-14 修订日期:2020-02-18
中文摘要: 上宫金矿田在全国“358”找矿突破战略行动中取得重大突破,F60矿脉是其中较为特殊的一条矿脉。通过对F60矿脉地质特征、钻孔原生晕分带特征、元素亲缘性分析表明,矿床近矿晕元素为Ag、Au、Pb、Zn,前缘晕元素为As、Hg、Cu,尾晕元素为W、Mo、Mn、V,矿床不存在多期次叠加成矿形成的叠加晕特征,深部出现盲矿体的可能性不大,矿床找矿方向在浅部无工程控制的区域;元素亲缘性分析显示,近矿晕元素Ag、Au、Pb、Zn相互之间具有很强的相关性,W、Mn、Hg可以作为地球化学找矿的指示性元素。研究成果对区域上类似的层间构造控矿金矿床开展原生晕地球化学研究具有一定借鉴意义。
Abstract:Major breakthroughs have been made in the national "358" ore prospecting breakthrough strategic action in Shanggong gold ore field, and the F60 vein is one of the more special veins. The geological characteristics of F60 vein, the zoning characteristics of primary halo in boreholes and the affinity of elements were analyzed. It was shown that the near halo elements of the deposit are Ag, Au, Pb, and Zn, the front halo elements were As, Hg, and Cu, and the tail halo elements were W, Mo, Mn, and V. The deposit did not have the characteristics of superimposed halo formed by multi-stage superimposed mineralization, hence, there was little possibility of blind orebodies in the deep. The prospecting direction of the deposit was in the shallow area without engineering control. Element affinity analysis indicated that the near-halo elements including Ag, Au, Pb and Zn had a strong correlation with each other, and W, Mn and Hg can be used as indicative elements for geochemical prospecting. The research results can be used as a reference for the study of primary halo geochemistry of similar interlayer structure-controlled gold deposits in the region.
keywords: Shanggong gold ore field F60 primary halo geochemistry
文章编号: 中图分类号:P619.23 文献标志码:
梁新辉 王辉 赵玉洁 严龙辉 常嘉毅 毛 宁
LIANG Xinhui WANG Hui ZHAO Yujie YAN longhui CHANG Jiayi MAO Ning
No Institute of Geological & Mineral Resources Survey of Henan, Luoyang Henan , China,No Institute of Geological & Mineral Resources Survey of Henan, Luoyang Henan , China,No Institute of Geological & Mineral Resources Survey of Henan, Luoyang Henan , China,Sanmenxia Xiaoshan Gold Mining Co, Ltd, Sanmenxia Henan , China,No Institute of Geological & Mineral Resources Survey of Henan, Luoyang Henan , China,No Institute of Geological & Mineral Resources Survey of Henan, Luoyang Henan , China
梁新辉,王辉,赵玉洁,严龙辉,常嘉毅,毛 宁.豫西上宫金矿田F60矿脉钻孔原生晕地球化学特征[J].有色金属(矿山部分),2020,72(5):73-78.
.Geochemical characteristics of borehole primary halo in F60 vein of Shanggong gold ore field, western Henan province[J].NONFERROUS METALS(Mining Section),2020,72(5):73-78.
梁新辉,王辉,赵玉洁,严龙辉,常嘉毅,毛 宁.豫西上宫金矿田F60矿脉钻孔原生晕地球化学特征[J].有色金属(矿山部分),2020,72(5):73-78.
.Geochemical characteristics of borehole primary halo in F60 vein of Shanggong gold ore field, western Henan province[J].NONFERROUS METALS(Mining Section),2020,72(5):73-78.