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投稿时间:2011-08-05 修订日期:2011-08-05
投稿时间:2011-08-05 修订日期:2011-08-05
中文摘要: 在充分研究地质资料的基础上,试验通过综合运用高精度磁法和激发极化(IP)等物探手段对隐伏矿体进行预测。发现了与成矿有关的5处异常地段,新矿体2处。经研究,磁异常揭露了北东向赋矿构造的特征及范围,提供了有关构造格架和控矿因素等方面的信息,为研究该区的矿床成因、寻找新的矿体提供了可靠的依据。钻孔验证在异常部位发现工业矿体,见矿率达94 %,说明快速、高效的综合物探评价体系在蒙古国某钼矿的应用是有效的。
Abstract:In the area of exploration covered thickness and complicated geological conditions, how to search for concealed ore deposit was the important issue in global mineral exploration field. According to geology data and concrete geology fact, geophysical methods including high-precision magnetic method and IP were used to integrated the prospecting of the concealed ore body,which discovered five clear geophysical anomalies relating to metallogenic prospects and two industrial ore bodies. The magnetic anomalies revealed the characteristics of the ore-bearing structure and scope of the NNE belt, provided some information of ore body structural framework, controlling-ore factors, genesis of molybdenum deposits. These information provided reliable basis to explain the metallogenic causes and find new buried ore bodies in the area. Three checking drill-holes occur industrial ore body, the rate of industrial ore discovery was 94%. It indicated that the integrated geophysical method system was successful in one molybdenum deposit, with its advantage in rapidity, efficiency and practicality.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
ZHANG Jinshu[sub_s].Application of integrated geophysical prospecting method on the evaluation of one molybdenum deposit in Mongolia[J].NONFERROUS METALS(Mining Section),2011,63(3):0.
ZHANG Jinshu[sub_s].Application of integrated geophysical prospecting method on the evaluation of one molybdenum deposit in Mongolia[J].NONFERROUS METALS(Mining Section),2011,63(3):0.