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中文摘要: 通过对矿区地表水和地下水的类型、补给和径流条件进行分析,确定了矿山水文地质条件和可利用水资源状况;按不同岩性和构造特征,划分出四个工程地质岩组;调查了矿区内环境地质情况,确定了矿山工程地质和环境地质条件。基本明确了矿床开采技术条件,为矿山下一步开采提供了参考。
Abstract:According to the analysis of the surface water groundwater type and the conditions of recharge, runoff and drainage, the mining hydrogeology conditions and situation of useable water resources are determined in this paper; According to different lithology and tectonic characteristics, we differentiated four engineering geological petrofabrics surveyed the environment geology condition in mine area determined the engineering geological conditions and environment geological conditions. The mining condition of the gold deposit is discussed, laying a foundation for further development of the deposit.
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赵 岩,汪雄武,张 欣.丹巴燕子沟金矿床开采技术条件分析[J].有色金属(矿山部分),2011,63(2):14-17.
ZHAO Yan,WANG Xiongwu,ZHANG Xin.Analysis of mining conditions of Yanzigou gold deposit in Danba[J].NONFERROUS METALS(Mining Section),2011,63(2):14-17.
赵 岩,汪雄武,张 欣.丹巴燕子沟金矿床开采技术条件分析[J].有色金属(矿山部分),2011,63(2):14-17.
ZHAO Yan,WANG Xiongwu,ZHANG Xin.Analysis of mining conditions of Yanzigou gold deposit in Danba[J].NONFERROUS METALS(Mining Section),2011,63(2):14-17.